A trial court is responsible for properly distributing the assets and liabilities accrued by spouses during their marriage. In a dissolution of marriage proceeding, Florida law requires that a court: Set apart to each spouse that spouses non-marital assets and liabilities, and in distributing the marital assets and liabilities between the parties, the court must begin with the premise that the distribution should be equal, unless there is a justification for an unequal distribution based on all relevant factors, including:
Equitable Distribution
Posted on Wed, Mar 02, 2016
Posted on Mon, Feb 29, 2016
First, it is important to understand how a bill becomes law in the state of Florida. There will be a bill that comes through the House of Representatives and a bill that comes through the senate. These bills will be similar but not exact. Once each house produces the bill, then it goes through a process that cleans up the differences. At that point it goes to the governor for either signature or veto.
Continuing a Trial
Posted on Fri, Feb 26, 2016
Sometimes when a trial has been scheduled, continuing a trial is necessary. This is typically done by a motion for continuance, which is usually done prior to the trial, although, in some instances, it may be made orally to the court. Know that a court generally does not appreciate somebody just showing up asking for a continuance. It is much better if you can contact the opposing party and have some type of agreement before you go in front of the court asking for said continuance.
The Rule Book of Dating in the Modern Age
Posted on Thu, Feb 25, 2016
If you are divorced, you aren’t alone. Although the divorce rate has been steadily declining since 1975 (according to data compiled by the CDC's National Center for Health Statistics), an estimated 1 out of 3 marriages still end in divorce.
Clouds of Divorce Can Bring Silver Linings
Posted on Tue, Dec 22, 2015
When the subject of divorce comes up, invariably it is done so with a negative connotation. While a natural reaction, it does not convey the whole story. A dark cloud of gloom and doom oftentimes follows the subject around, but in truth married couples do choose to go their separate ways because they feel there is something better waiting out there for them, beyond the bounds of their marriage. To keep your head above water, and preserve your mental and physical health, it helps to remind yourself of the positive outcomes a divorce can bring to a family.