What's a father's worst fear? Let's see...how about his son or daughter dating for the first time? Or maybe retiring a few years too early? Nah, a father's absolute worst fear is being held accountable for his child's crazy driving! And of the reasons this is such a legitimate fear is that in some cases, a parent may be held legally accountable for a child's auto accidents and all related damages and injuries.
Am I Liable for my Child's Car Accident?
Posted on Tue, Jan 01, 2013
What's a father's worst fear? Let's see...how about his son or daughter dating for the first time? Or maybe retiring a few years too early? Nah, a father's absolute worst fear is being held accountable for his child's crazy driving! And of the reasons this is such a legitimate fear is that in some cases, a parent may be held legally accountable for a child's auto accidents and all related damages and injuries.
Is VA Compensation Used in Spousal Support?
Posted on Fri, Dec 28, 2012
Every state the union, with the exception of Arizona, works against federal law by allowing veterans benefits to be included in the calculation of child support and spousal support payments upon a divorce. The decision to violate the law is based on the 1987 Supreme Court’s Rose decision that claimed that VA disability benefits, according to legislative history, are intended to provide compensation to both the veteran and members of his or her family. As a result, various states have developed their own interpretation of exactly how disability benefits can be divided during a divorce and claimed as marital property.
First Holiday Separated? Strategies on How to Cope
Posted on Thu, Dec 20, 2012
Daytona Beach Attorney Nathan Carter
Posted on Wed, Dec 19, 2012
Men choose Daytona Beach attorney Nate Carter because of his extensive abilities and dedication to his clients. Offering his experience and skill in domestic litigation, he is extremely aggressive in protecting father’s rights and men’s rights.
Dating Again? How to Tell the Kids
Posted on Fri, Dec 14, 2012
When you want to start to date after a death or divorce, your actions can cause a significant emotional response from your children. Telling the kids that you are moving on requires a higher level of communication to help them through the process.
Now that you and your spouse have made it through a stressful and emotional divorce, it might be time to begin dating again. However, attempting to figure out ways to tell your older children can sometimes be as overwhelming as the idea of getting involved with someone new.
The loss of partners throughout our lives is often just a byproduct of living. Many of us in mid-life find ourselves wanting to get out and experience life after a lengthy marriage ends in divorce or the death of our spouse. However, choosing the best way to tell the children that you want to begin dating again might be more difficult than first imagined.
Open Lines of Communication
It is essential to communicate with your children, family, and friends about your desires of wanting to begin a new relationship. Oftentimes, your older children will understand your desires and may even provide advice on how to get through the process.
Each of your children will have a different reaction, and will handle the process in their own, unique way. If your spouse died, the children might react differently than if the two of you had divorced. Even so, one child may fully support your endeavors, while the others resent it.
Children Can Become Confused