Getting married is more than joining two people in holy matrimony. A marriage is a legal transaction. Two people are agreeing to combine their property and income and live as a single married unit. The two people are forming a contract with each other. If the couple makes no other arrangements, that contract is defined by the laws of the state.
A prenuptial agreement allows a couple to define their marriage instead of relying on state laws. If the marriage breaks up, the prenuptial agreement defines property division, alimony, and child custody/support issues. As long as the prenuptial agreement meets the laws of the state of Florida, the document protects both parties and allows for an easier dissolution of marriage. While not for men only prenuptial agreements are a good option for men who want to protect financial assets and parental roles.
What Is a Valid Prenuptial Agreement?
To be valid, the agreement must do the following:
Guidelines to a Prenuptial Agreement
Posted on Fri, Aug 09, 2013
How To Prepare for a Consultation with Your Divorce Lawyer
Posted on Tue, Aug 06, 2013
Going through a divorce can be one of the most devastating and personally challenging experiences in life. The mental and emotional preparation required to make it through can feel overwhelming at times. This is why it is so important to be fully prepared before your appointment with the divorce lawyer.
Calculating Child Support Based on Subsequent Child
Posted on Fri, Aug 02, 2013
Issue: In a proceeding for an upward modification of child support, how do the father’s subsequent children (who are not subject to a court ordered child support obligation) factor into his ability to pay an increase in child support for the first child.
5 Things to Know About Postnuptial Agreements
Posted on Tue, Jul 30, 2013
Prenuptial agreements were the norm till a few years back. However these days many couples opt for a postnuptial agreement in a bid to stop fighting about money. Rather than talk about just division of assets in case the couple splits up, a postnuptial agreement typically also sets out clearly the financial responsibility of the couple and how they divide their incomes, who pays for what and who saves for what. For instance, one might save for the kids’ college while the other saves for holidays or post retirement plans. Postnuptial agreements are referred to as separation agreements when they are entered into for the purpose of divorce or when divorce is imminent.