Helping Your Child Cope with Divorce at School

Posted on Mon, Sep 02, 2013

Going through a divorce can be one of the most stressful situations you have to deal with in life, and if a child is involved, they can often feel like they are caught in the middle or worse. Because they may not fully understand, this unneeded stress can impact their ability to properly function at school. Paying attention to your child's needs by offering consolation and honest explanations is imperative. 

Leave the divorce details out of the home setting. Kenny Leigh & Associates, the largest men only family law attorney Jacksonville FL has to offer, will work with you to ensure your divorce has a minimal impact on your child. Both parents should focus as much attention back on the child. Not only does this give mom and dad something positive to focus on, but it reinforces your love for your child and answers any lingering doubts or questions that may negatively impact your child.

Kenny Leigh & Associates family law attorneys recommend that you tell your child about your divorce before telling anyone else in the community. It's much worse for your child to find out about the divorce from kids at school. Divorce can sometimes be embarrassing for children, so work with your child on how to tell their friends at school. Your child is likely to have tons of questions about what's happening with mom and dad. Instead of trying to explain every detail about why you're getting a divorce, attempt to explain it to your child in a way that reinforces your love for them.

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Legal Lesson: Where is jurisdiction proper?

Posted on Thu, Aug 29, 2013


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Explaining Protection Orders for Men

Posted on Tue, Aug 27, 2013

If you watch the news or television family dramas, you may think that women are the only victims of domestic abuse and in need of protection orders. In fact, some women can very well be the aggressors, requiring the man in their life to seek a protective order. In the legal system, protection orders are just as available to a man who is a victim of or threatened with violence as the orders are available to women.

What is a Protection Order?

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Legal Lesson: Partition of Property

Posted on Mon, Aug 26, 2013

Facts: The parties own two homes.  One property is owned 2/3 by the parties and 1/3 by their grandson.  The second property is owned ½ by the parties and ½ by their son. The wife wants the homes to be sold and the proceeds split (partition).  There are no pleadings for partition, and neither the son nor grandson is a party to the action.  Additionally, the wife received a significant personal injury settlement and deposited it into a joint bank account roughly a decade prior to commencement of the action.  The parties used this account throughout the marriage.  The wife withdrew $75,000.00 from that account one week before filing for dissolution.

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The Importance of a Divorce Decree

Posted on Wed, Aug 21, 2013

Divorce is not a one-step process. Much consideration and deliberation should go into asking for a divorce. Many feel that marriage counseling should be the first course of action. However, if it is decided that the marriage is not salvageable, the next step is to find a divorce lawyer. After finding a divorce lawyer, you and your attorney must file the appropriate papers with the court and have your spouse sign the documents to make the divorce official. However, even after divorce papers are signed, there are still more steps to take to ensure that all matters of legality and capital are resolved.  

The Divorce Decree

Your divorce is not actually legal until the court grants your formal divorce decree. It does not matter if you reached a cordial settlement agreement with your ex-spouse, your divorce will not be legal until the court completes your divorce with a decree. The final decree of divorce is described as the court’s sanctioned order granting a completion of your marriage. If the state of affairs of your divorce lands you in court and goes to trial, the judge grants a  verdict, the verdict is established when the decree finalizes the entire divorce process.   

Check the Content of your Decree

While the divorce papers are being signed, it makes good sense to “re-read” your decree for multiple reasons. To begin with, the decree may include judge’s orders. If this is the case, you will want to make sure that you comprehend these orders. If you need clarification, don’t be shy about consulting your divorce lawyer.    

The second point is that the decree could contain orders that must be carried out within a particular time frame. Note down all orders that concern you, and be sure to note them in your calendar so that you avoid missing any deadlines.  

Lastly, when divorce papers are signed and a decree is issued, check to make sure there are no mistakes within the document. This could be something as mundane as a misprint or something more central that could significantly alter the outcome of your divorce. You and your attorney should review the decree together to catch any errors.  

Men and Divorce

Unfortunately, men are often caught with the “short end of the stick,” and it can be difficult for  men who decide on divorce in Florida. Kenny Leigh & Associates, the preeminent divorce attorney for men in Florida, take on family law cases and puts men at ease with expert advice and professional execution of their cases. They understand the propensity for courts to favor women, leaving the man “high and dry.”  Kenny Leigh & Associates are an ardent team of lawyers bent on helping men receive the justice they deserve. The firm accepts only family law cases, and represents only men. They filled a void that was sorely empty for quite a while. If you are in Florida, male, and mulling over a divorce, you will find five convenient locations in Florida such as Daytona, Gainesville, Fleming Island, Ocala, Boca Raton, and Jacksonville.      

With Kenny Leigh & Associates, you are guaranteed quality customer service. The firm has a good grip of the ins and outs of family law and complete awareness of the stress that legal proceedings can cause. Clients are advised and carefully prepared to face any challenges due to the expertise and support of this men’s only law firm. Their ultimate goal is to carry out the process put before them as proficiently and justly as possible.
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