It should be known that all cases are different and anything can happen at any time. The below are some results from some of the cases we have had across the state:
We have nine offices across the state of Florida, different attorneys have handled different things. One of our Jacksonville divorce attorneys handled a case with a 53 year marriage. Client made around $8,000.00 per month and the wife made about $95.00 per month in social security. Her last job was approximately 25 years ago. The total of about $325,000.00 in marital assets with no debt. We got a deal that the wife got $170,000.00 in equitable distribution of assets instead of the $162,000.00 that she likely would have received in court. She pays her own attorney’s fees with no alimony! Client was very happy.
A Ft. Lauderdale divorce attorney handled a case where the husband and wife got divorced in 2015. The way their previous attorney calculated child support seemed a little shady. Fast forward four months and the former wife filed a petition to upwardly modify child support. We filed a response in a Motion to Dismiss because their petition omitted key elements of involuntary, permanent, and unanticipated change of circumstances. Her petition was littered with speculation and conclusions and there was only one fact that might have caused an issue which was that the wife now incurs daycare expenses that did not exist at the time of the original Final Judgment. Problem is that the kid is six and should not be in daycare. Apparently the wife is a certified paralegal who prefers to work as a bartender from 4:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. and thinks it’s a good idea to go ahead and pay for a babysitter instead of working a normal job as, say, a paralegal. Anyway, after the court heard our argument, the court granted our Motion to Dismiss and then ordered that the wife pay us $3,500.00 in attorney’s fees within 30 days.
A Jacksonville divorce attorney had two injunction hearing victories in a two week span. In the first, our client retained us for a paternity case, and the opposition filed an injunction against him shortly thereafter. We took it to a contested hearing, and the Judge tossed the injunction. About a week later this same divorce attorney had an even sadder situation for our client, his wife filed a domestic injunction and a divorce at about the same time alleging that she is currently pregnant by another man and that their three year old son may not be biologically our client’s either. She alleged a few incidents that took place back in 2010 and said her main purpose of filing the injunction was that she was afraid of how our client might react to her being pregnant. Our divorce attorney made an oral argument to dismiss the injunction and the Judge granted it immediately. Client was happy!
Ft. Lauderdale divorce attorney handled a case where the parties were married approximately 11 years. Our client earned a little over $100,000.00 a year and the wife has been unemployed the entire marriage, but went to MIT and prior to the marriage was a computer programer. At mediation, our client only had to pay six months of alimony and our client received equal time-sharing with the child. Originally the wife wanted permanent alimony and for her to have most time with the child giving our client simply every other weekend. Our client got to keep his entire 401K. Another happy client.
Pensacola divorce attorney represented our client in an injunction hearing. Our client and the mother of the child lived together for a couple of years. The mother claimed that our client held a knife to her, sexually assaulted her during the relationship, broke into her home twice and sent her threatening text messages and voicemails. The mother was represented by an attorney. During the hearing, the Pensacola divorce attorney challenged the mother’s lack of evidence. Everything was just based on her testimony. The mother claimed to have called the police 10 times on our client. At the end of the hearing, attorney from Pensacola argued to the Judge that this case did not have to be a “he said/she said” situation. Our family law attorney argued that if she did in fact call the police 10 times she could have had at least one of those officers at the hearing to testify. Our attorney also argued that if the client sent her threatening text and voice messages, than those could have been played for the court. In the end the mother of the child brought nothing and was just leveling these allegations with no proof. We pounded home the fact that there was no proof and the Judge denied the injunction!
Our Boca Raton divorce attorney handled a case where the parties were divorced in 2009 with one minor child with severe developmental issues. The client had never exercised the equal time-sharing that was part of the agreement. Client got served with a Supplemental Petition to Modify Child Support which was referred to a hearing officer. Based on our advice, client immediately started exercising the equal time-sharing. Predictably, the former wife then filed a Supplemental Petition to Modify Time-Sharing. The General Magistrate determined the lack of exercising the full time sharing at the beginning was not a material change in circumstances and relied on the fact that our client had been exercising the full time consistently since we told him to. The General Magistrate denied the former wife’s Supplemental Petition to Modify Time-Sharing. The General Magistrate also ordered that the mother has to continue to let the child get dropped off and picked up according to the judgment which the mother was trying to change.
A Broward County divorce attorney handled a case where the parties were married for approximately 39 years. The husband earned $7,000.00 a month and the wife $3,000.00. We settled the case where the wife kept her 401K, the husband kept his 401K and the wife received a very low amount of alimony for seven years and not the permanent alimony that she originally wanted.
A Tampa divorce attorney handled a case where the parties were married for 15 years and had three children. Husband makes approximately $85,000.00 a year and the wife makes approximately minimum wage and only working 20 hours a week. The wife had never worked more than 20 hours a week during the entire marriage. The main issues were time-sharing and equitable distribution. We got equal time-sharing, contrary to the wife’s wishes. The main issue was husband’s $110,000.00 in stock and a car and credit card debt totaling $15,000.00. No alimony and the wife took all the debt for the credit card. This in return for $65,000.00 of the stock. At first it may seem like she got a bigger portion of the equitable distribution, but when you take into account that she was entitled to one-half of the stock, or $55,000.00, she took the total of $15,000.00 of debt, $7,500.00 of which should have been his, she really only received an extra $2,500.00 to give what would have been significant alimony for probably close to 15 years.
Basically, thinking outside of the box, our Tampa family law attorney saved the client a ton of money. Kenny Leigh & Associates is a family law firm that specializes in representing men’s rights in divorce, alimony, custody, and all forms of modification. We have nine offices across the entire state of Florida. Go to divorcemenonly.com for any more questions.