If you are feeling alone or worried about being alone after divorce, there are things you can do to help stay busy and keep some of the loneliness you may feel at bay. It is normal to feel a little lonely once you and your partner have separated, however being lonely forever does not have to be your new life. There are plenty of ways to get out and meet others, making meaningful relationships that will last. Ultimately, remember that you have to choose happiness over divorce. Your life during and after divorce is what you make of it. You choose whether you wallow in it or rise above it. You choose how much you carry with you on a daily basis. You choose if you learn and grow or keep looking behind you. No one else has that power, not the ex, not the attorneys, not your friends or family, you, and only you, get to decide that."
There are many ways you can find happiness again after divorce, here are some suggestions you may want to try.
- Pick Up a New hobby - Is there something you have always wanted to do but you never had the time? Whether it is taking a cake decorating class, gardening or glass blowing, taking up a new hobby is a great way to discover things you enjoy again. It is also a chance to meet new people who you have things in common with. Find a class that focuses on something you enjoy doing and jump in.
- Become a Part of a Community - You may be lucky enough to live in a thriving community, one that holds block parties, has a neighborhood watch team, and enjoys socializing. Even if you don't have this in your current neighborhood or area you can still find a community you can be involved in. A community is a group of people that share a common interest. You may find this group at the library, at a church, or at your local recreation center, being a part of a community makes you feel grounded and needed, and can help fill those lonely times.
- Travel - Whether you get brave and decide to travel alone or you join a travel group, travel is a great way to get back out there and start enjoying life. Travel gives you new experiences and allows you to find yourself all over again. Pick a destination you have always wanted to visit and make a goal to get there, you will be amazed at how much confidence you can gain by traveling to an unknown destination.
- Move Out of Your Comfort Zone - It is easy when you are in a relationship to get stuck in ruts. Maybe you always went to the same restaurant, or always watched the same types of movies, or perhaps the group of friends you met with once a week doesn't really work for you anymore. Move out of your comfort zone. Try different places, eat new types of cuisine, make new friends, hold dinner parties, do things that you know will push you outside of your comfort zone. This can be scary, but it also helps you to build your confidence and find new things that you enjoy doing.
- Learn How to Enjoy Alone Time - Let's face it - you can't be around people all the time, this can be hard when you are newly divorced as you may have had your partner always close by in the past. Think back to the time when you were single, what did you enjoy doing? Try to incorporate some of those things back into your life. Whether it is lying around reading a book all day, watching your favorite movie or taking longs walks. Being alone after divorce is a great time to discover yourself again and enjoy spending time alone.
- Make Plans - If your friends invite you to dinner or the movies, don't say no, say yes whenever you can. Not only will this help with the alone times but it will also help you meet new people, try new experiences and push you out of your comfort zone!
If you are feeling alone after divorce, try a few of the things listed above and you may just find that your life becomes so rich and full that those alone times are not so bad anymore. Contact Kenny Leigh & Associates today to help your divorce process go as smoothly as possible.
image source: https://s186.photobucket.com/user/xanderzuk/media/IMG_4075.jpg.html