If you are a father undergoing a divorce, it’s important to ensure that there is a plan in place that outlines the shared responsibilities that you and your current wife will bear in relation to the rearing of your children. Child custody is an important part of divorce proceedings, and the parenting plan is a necessary step in this process.
What is a Parenting Plan?
A parenting plan is an official, legal document that outlines the process parents will use to continue raising children even after their marriage has been dissolved. A divorce case with child custody issues cannot be completed without a parenting plan in place. In some cases, both parties submit unique parenting plans, and the courts will work to determine which aspects of both plans are acceptable for the needs of the children. In other circumstances, the parties may agree upon a plan in advance. This is usually known as a non-disputed parenting plan.
Why is a Parenting Plan Required in Cases of No Dispute?
Even if the parents of children are in perfect agreement about how and where children should be raised, a parenting plan must still be completed and approved by the courts. This is simply a safeguard against child custody issues in the future. The agreed upon parenting plan, once approved by the Florida court system, will be treated like a legally binding contract. Both parents must uphold the agreed upon parenting plan. This eliminates any questions, disagreements, or conflicts surrounding the future of the children’s lives.
What Must the Parenting Plan Include?
First and foremost, the parenting plan must outline exactly how each parent will share the process of raising children that were produced as a result of a marriage. Raising children is exceptionally challenging, and both parents must be willing to share in their part of raising the child. The parenting plan will also outline the times during which children will be under the care of each parent. In Florida, the parenting plan must also outline details such as who will provide healthcare for the children, where the children will attend school, how children will be transported to extracurricular activities, and how parents will communicate with their children.
What Other Information Should Be Included?
The parenting plan should also include information about the health, mental well-being, morality, financial stability, and history of problems or criminal activity for both parents. The courts will use this information to determine whether the children are likely to be effectively cared for. This information is crucial in guaranteeing that the father has rights in a custody battle.
The Benefits of Hiring an Attorney to Help With Parenting Plan Completion
The guidelines for Florida’s parenting plan completion policy can be very confusing, time-consuming, and often overwhelming. That’s why it’s such a good idea to employ the services of a licensed and experienced attorney during divorce proceedings that involve children. Kenny Leigh and Associates is a special law firm operation in Northeast Florida that only provides services to men undergoing childcare disputes or divorce proceedings. Because the needs of a father are often neglected or overridden by the needs of children or mothers during divorce proceedings, this family law firm can be incredibly beneficial for men.
Completing the parenting plan is a necessary step in arranging childcare and child custody agreements between both parties in a divorce. Without this plan, the process of continuing to raise children and guaranteeing that children will have access to both parents equally would be impossible. If you are a man going through a divorce and require assistance preparing a parenting plan that will be accepted by the courts of Florida, Kenny Leigh and Associates is the perfect firm for you.
By Kenny Leigh