Going through a divorce can bring out different emotions, many of them negative. If you aren't fully in support of the divorce or you have anger toward your ex for her actions, you may want to hurt her financially or emotionally. Your anger could cause you to try to take something away from her during the divorce or direct your feelings toward her or your child. Getting a divorce is never simple, but you can take steps to make the end of your relationship go much smoother. If you have a child with your ex and have to deal with her in the future, choosing your battles wisely and as rationally as possible during a divorce can be vital to ensuring the best outcomes for all involved. With the help of one of Kenny Leigh and Associates, attorneys for men only in Jacksonville FL, you can have a better chance of finding compromises with your ex that can work for both of you and allow you both to remain financially, emotionally and mentally stable. Kenny Leigh and Associates has six offices in Jacksonville, Fleming Island, Daytona, Gainesville, Fort Walton Beach, and Boca Raton, serving all of North and South Florida.
Choosing a Skilled Divorce Attorney
Having a skilled divorce attorney who has helped other men through mediation and court proceedings can be helpful, especially when dealing with an ex-spouse with whom you had major conflicts leading up to your separation or divorce. Although there are a number of attorneys for men in Jacksonville FL, the skilled attorneys and staff at Kenny Leigh and Associates provide personalized assistance to clients and understand the unique aspects of men-only family law issues, such as divorce, child support and custody, alimony, legal separation and pre and post-nuptial agreements.
Handling Child Custody Issues
During a divorce, you may naturally try to hurt your former spouse emotionally by trying to seek sole custody of your child. In the best interests of your child, your need to work through your attorneys to reach settlements regarding different child custody issues and develop a co-parenting plan or visitation schedule that works for the whole family. You shouldn't try to get physical or sole custody of your child just to spite your ex, but instead seek joint custody or visitation rights, depending upon your relationship with your child as well as your mental and emotional stability and health.
With the help of one of the top attorneys for men in Jacksonville FL, you can work through who your child will live with, when and for how long he or she will stay with the other parent, what shared rules you both will adopt to provide consistency, what health insurance you will get for your child, and where he or she will go to school. As you are working through child custody issues with your ex, try not to get hung up on smaller, less important topics such as bedtimes, and make sure to treat your child's mother respectfully. You also want to avoid putting your children in the middle of your divorce. Children can come to resent parents if they make them choose sides, so it is better to keep an amicable relationship with your ex-spouse, if you can.
Division of Assets
Similar to handling child custody issues with your ex, you also don't want to get bogged down in separation of smaller assets during divorce proceedings. With the help of one of the top attorneys for men in Jacksonville FL, you can come to an agreement with your ex about possessions, and avoid having to talk about who holds on to smaller items, such as pieces of furniture in court. If you want to keep certain items, such as family heirlooms, you have to be willing to give up other items that your ex-spouse wants. Coming to a compromise on how you will split up certain possessions can make your court case much easier. If you have children, reaching an agreement can allow both you and your ex to remain financially stable so that you can provide for your children, both now and in the future.
Communicating with your ex spouse, with both of your attorneys present, about what larger assets you want to keep can give you a better chance of getting important assets you want in the divorce. You have to be ready to give up certain items, such as your shared residence, to get what you want. Sometimes you can avoid court by going through mediation, a type of meeting that allows two parties to work through their attorneys to settle different issues related to a divorce without court proceedings. Going through a divorce is never easy, but you and your spouse can make the process much less stressful if you try to find a middle ground.