Florida law allows for four different types of alimony, as codified by law since 2010. While the law includes some specifics regarding the calculation of award amounts and terms of each type of alimony, there is not a simple formula to determine which alimony is most appropriate for a specific situation.
It’s important to work with the best divorce attorneys the state of Florida has because the type of alimony awarded in your divorce is open to interpretation by the courts. When interpretation is left open, bias can enter the picture. Unfortunately for men getting divorced in Florida, the courts often show a bias toward women that results in men paying unfairly large amounts under unjust circumstances.
The differences in alimony types vary by amount, duration, and qualifying circumstances. Some alimony programs become canceled upon your spouse remarrying, but some do not. Some programs have shorter terms and encourage both spouses to develop financial stability outside of alimony. Here is basic information on the four types of alimony in Florida, and you can speak with our divorce attorneys in Jacksonville to further discuss your situation.
As the name implies, permanent alimony lasts indefinitely. This type of alimony is meant for long-standing marriages with a large discrepancy in incomes. Permanent alimony is most commonly awarded in marriages that lasted 17 years or more, while the income discrepancy is the first and foremost issue. For spouses with large differences in income whose marriage lasted a long time, permanent alimony is intended to be paid to spouses who have not been substantial wage earners for a significant amount of time.
In this type of alimony, an award amount is given to a spouse for a set period of time no longer than the amount of time the marriage itself lasted. The amount stays the same throughout the duration, barring substantial changes to one party’s circumstances. Durational alimony is awarded after short- or medium-length marriages (those lasting less than 17 years). As some of the most experienced divorce attorneys Jacksonville and the surrounding area have working, Kenny Leigh & Associates can argue for durational alimony terms that most rightly suit the spouses’ circumstances.
Florida awards this type of alimony when the court determines that alimony is necessary to assist one spouse in making a life transition to single status. The court may award bridge-the-gap alimony for a spouse who has education and job skills but has not recently been in the work force, for instance. The situations can vary based on both spouse’s earning ability, age, and other such factors. By discussing a particular situation with divorce attorneys Florida residents can learn whether this type of alimony would be preferable and appropriate.
Florida courts award rehabilitative alimony so that the receiving spouse can afford to go back to school or enroll in a job training program that will allow them to enter or re-enter the workforce successfully. Rehabilitative alimony is most commonly given for short- or medium-length marriages. For you or your spouse to qualify, a specific course of action must be presented to show that there is a substantial plan in place for training or education.
Kenny Leigh & Associates works with men only in family law only. We have offices in Jacksonville, Boca Raton, Daytona, Fleming Island and Gainesville. Stop by or call one of our offices today to schedule your consultation.