Normally bridge the gap alimony is terminable upon re-marriage. Bridge the gap alimony is one of several forms of alimony in the state of Florida. However, the parties come to an agreement where that bridge the gap alimony is non-modifiable, and then it does not terminate upon re-marriage. Have a lawyer read the language carefully. If the language of the marital settlement agreement, read as a whole, unambiguously sets the terms of alimony, then the agreement cannot be altered by statute.
The United States district court for the middle district of Florida has held that a state courts award of attorney’s fees to a Husband in post judgment proceedings concerning parental responsibility is in the nature of support, and therefore constitutes a domestic support obligation that is non-dischargeable in bankruptcy. This is a very fine line area of law. Normally attorney’s fees are dischargeable in bankruptcy, but there are some acceptations. One of the acceptations is that the attorney’s fees were given pursuant to a support order.