When deciding if divorce is the right choice for your family, make sure that you do your part in researching the process. First, you may consider a legal separation for a period of time. Legal separation is a trial period before a divorce that allows you to document that you are now living apart. During this time, you will be able to figure out what is involved with divorce, and you and your spouse can set up a separation agreement that allows you to figure out the terms of your divorce.
Your separation agreement will allow you to put your heads together with your spouse, as well as meeting with your lawyers, in order to figure out child custody arrangements, mediation, property division, child support and any other legal circumstances, so that you are able to use the agreement when your divorce is finalized.
How Does the State of Florida Handle Separations?
The code of the state of Florida does not have explicit laws that deal with separations. Though the state code does not lay out terms of legal separation, it does have clear statements that deal with things such as child custody and visitation. However, the courts will look out for situations involving the child during the separation, so that fairness is kept in mind when it comes to how the child will be taken care of. You and your spouse will need to come up with everything that you need to know for custody arrangements, spousal financial responsibilities, and visitation rights of both parents and so much more. Divorce lawyers in Jacksonville, Gainesville, Daytona, Fleming Island, Boca Raton and Fort Walton FL can help, even though legal representation is not covered by state code.
What this means is that you can take care of the legal terms of your separation, without having to actually notify the courts in order to petition for the actual separation. This puts more freedom in the hands of both parties, since the two of you have more freedom to decide what you want out of the situation. The best thing a person can do in order to make the most out of their separation in order to rectify the situation is get in touch with attorneys who can provide valuable legal counsel. You can also hire divorce lawyers to negotiate on your behalf and hammer out a legally binding agreement.
For Best Results, Seek Counseling
When you want to be sure that you are able to get the terms of your separation, you should make sure that you are able to get counseling. By receiving counseling from divorce lawyers, they will help the two of you seek a resolution without being at odds throughout. We always strive to handle things as amicably as possible. When you do this, the counselor will allow you to establish financial responsibility, child visitation and a host of other circumstances that determine how you will move forward. Outside of the legal ramifications, counseling will allow the two of you to get your personal matters out into the open, so that you can move forward knowing that you did your best and left no stone unturned. Even if the two of you still end up going through with the divorce, you will be able to make sure that you receive closure. Receiving closure is especially important if you have children together. This way, you can create parenting strategies and have honest and open discussions regarding the children.
Kenny Leigh and Associates are men-only divorce attorneys with offices in Jacksonville, Daytona, Boca Raton, Fort Walton, Fleming Island, and Gainesville, FL. Contact us today to discuss your separation, divorce, and child custody needs.