Florida is a non-fault state when it comes to divorce, so there is no need to make any allegations against each other in order to have a divorce granted. What is important is the litigation on the resolution to the divorce. Let’s have a look at what is at stake during the divorce, like distribution of assets, child support and alimony. How much, and what exactly are you willing to see her walk off with?
In a lot of cases, going through a divorce can be a very uncomfortable experience and can even lead to a sense of detachment. On the other hand you may have this great sense of liberation at this rediscovered independence that you once had as a youngster. You can easily feel like reverting back to things you did as a young bachelor. Like the days before you tied the knot.
Be Mindful of What You Post
Neither reaction should be surprising. In fact you can consider it to be extremely normal, bearing in mind that you’re taking a completely new turn in your life without some previous attachments. With the available technology today, you should take caution in how you allow yourself to be portrayed in the public eye and the best advice on the social media aspect is to steer clear of it. Your status updates and pictures you load on the internet can be extremely harmful.
Understandably, the grueling battle between what you want and what she demands can leave you with a sour taste in your mouth. During this period, the urge to reach out to others can potentially increase drastically whether it is to declare your new sense of purpose, gain sympathy or vent over any unfair demand on the part of your soon to be ex-wife. Well, one of the fastest and seeming most effortless ways to reach out to others is on social media. Yet there is a snare in doing that.
Consider the result of you boasting about an old flame who you will be seeing that night, only to find your soon to be ex-wife showing up with an investigator taking pictures as you kiss your date goodnight. They immediately start discrediting you, and have you portrayed as a bad father and a bad role model. You are then painted as a person who is a bad influence on your own child. Perhaps it may not be as rash as her showing up, but flaunting supposedly unruly behavior is the last thing you want to do since it will give her ammunition to shoot you down with proof you handed over on a silver platter.
Or Don’t Post at All
To prove that you are an unfit parent, your wife will need evidence to support her claim. This argument is pretty common, and your social media updates should not support her allegations. Take great care not to post pictures where you are surrounded by a bunch of empty alcohol cans while holding the last one up in your hand, indicating that you’re about to consume the last drop. Or even worse, a picture of you passed out between all those empty cans. These images may seem extreme, but for the sake of illustration, it’s vital that you realize the suggestiveness of these images. In the matter of substance abuse, your paternal rights to have custody or visitation rights are affected.
Maybe Delete Your Account
There’s also a hidden danger about social media. Tagging and sharing pictures should not be overlooked. You may not be the one posting the pictures, but if you are photographed in a compromising situation, you run the risk of someone posting those pictures on their own social media profile and have you tagged. Also consider that it may not be your soon to be ex-wife who goes out looking for pictures of you, but she may be notified by her friends of any new developments they think she needs to know about.
When all things are measured, you should strongly weigh up the importance of social media for the period that the divorce trial or custody proceedings are underway. You may want to delete your account altogether to make completely certain that no negative influences impact your case.
When in doubt, speak to the experts. The team of divorce attorneys at Kenny Leigh and Associates will give superior advice and show the best course of action for optimal results.
Serving Northeast Florida and South Florida, Kenny Leigh and Associates has 5 offices:
- Jacksonville
- Gainesville
- Fleming Island
- Daytona
- Boca Raton
Don’t let your bottom line be determined by a compromising picture, or status that you or someone else loaded on any of the social media available out there. Regardless of whether your newfound freedom leaves you liberated or not, being too candid on social media may have a detrimental effect and may cost you more than you were willing to give.