Divorce is hard on everyone, but especially the parents. The father can have a particularly rough time with this process, and even more so when he is not the one who filed for divorce. Here are five things that are often the hardest for struggling men to handle.
This can be a problem when it comes to divorce because the situation can cause the man to feel like he has lost control of his life, especially if he was the one served with the papers. One way to make this process a little bit easier and alleviate the stress is for him to seek the advice and help of a knowledgeable attorney.
A father struggling with divorce can have a rough time seeing his family torn apart. Custody battles that most often ensue during this time can be incredibly taxing and challenging on the fathers. Just like mothers, they usually want to be a part of the kids’ lives and continue to help raise them. Many times, however, the main custody of the children is awarded to the mother with only visitation for the father. In these situations, and especially if the court does not allow for many visitation hours, it is difficult for a father to understand how to remain in their children’s lives.
Child Support
When a divorce occurs, a father is typically ordered by the court to pay child support. This can be a huge blow to the dad, who had been supporting his family willingly and without force up until this time. He might then feel that he is working hard to pay for a family to which he no longer belongs. Fathers should be sure to know all of their rights and be prepared to fight for their fair share in court; however, with the understanding that child support is not something that can usually be avoided.
Men can also begin to struggle with their identities if they feel that things are being taken from them, including their own children and finances. A man who has been identified for many years as a hard-working, loving and involved father, may have a hard time facing a situation where he suddenly loses that identity. Furthermore, many divorced men struggle with the loss of their good reputations, whether it is within the family, the church, the workplace, or even with their children.
Feelings of loneliness, betrayal and even depression can be common during divorce. To help cope, it may be a smart idea for a man to seek out a good support group who can keep him positive and uplifted. Friends and close family members are also great people to go to for advice and an escape from all of the drama. Taking a day off from work or going out for a night with friends is a good way to relax and ease loneliness.
By Kenny Leigh